Monday, December 1, 2008

The Norns

Gehrts, Johannes, "Die Nornen", 1889, Painting, Wikipedia, 1 December 2008,


Dollman, John, Frigga Spinning the Clouds, 1909, Painting, Wikipedia, 1 December 2008,

Norse Vocabulary

Vikings: Norse warrior, merchant, explorer, and pirate, that raided and colonized a wide range of Europe.

Ginnungagap: Primordial void that existed prior to the creation of the manifest universe.

Nifleheim: One of the realms in the lower world by Hel, its the land of ice.

Muspellheim: Another one of the realms in the lower world, its the land of fire.

Yggdrasil: Great ash tree in the center of the universe.

Asgard: Country or capital city.

Midgard: The world where the humans lived

Hel: Another realm in the lower world, the place where non heroic people went when they died.

Bifrost Bridge: Bridge that connects the land of the humans and the land of the Gods together.

Ymir: The ice giant, he is the founder of the race of ice giants.

Odin: The Cheif God, he knew everything that would happen and he heard about everything.

Frigg: She was the major Goddess, she was the wife of Odin and was the cloud spinner.

The Valkyries: Least important Gods, they served Odin and decided who was the most important hero when they died in a battle.

The Norns: Numerous females that ruled over the fates

Thor: He was the God of thunder

Balder: He was the God of light and beauty

Njord: Father of Frey and Freya some of the major dieties

Frey: He was the god of agriculture and weather

Freya: She is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility

Idunn: She was the Goddess that had the apples for the Gods to keep eternal youth

Loki: He was the bad guy and he wanted to destroy the universe

Fenrir: He was a monsterous wolf and the son of Loki

Jormungandr: Sea Serpent and the middle child of Loki

Ragnarok: A series of battles and the death of many of the gods

Runes: Their alphabet and they way that they write