Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pyramus and Thisbe

Romeo and Juliet is the name of this myth. Well actually no it is not the name of this myth. However, these stories have many ideas in common. The name of this myth is Pyramus and Thisbe, which is a love myth. It is about how two people are never allowed to see each other but yet they have a love and a desire to always want to be with each other. This myth is going to be analyzed in the natural level, which is how it is related to the world. On a social level which is when it relates to society the other people socially. On a psychological level, which is when, it relates to them on an emotional level.

First, is going to be the natural view. Pyramus, Thisbe, and the mulberry tree all represent human life, growing effects. They are not gods. They all have their natural beauty and loveliness. Thisbe and Pyramus are in love throughout the whole story. Thisbe and Pyramus grew up together and they just grew to love each other yet their parents do not want them to see each other at all, so they separated them. Separating them only made them love each other more.

Second, is going to be the social view. They are not allowed to see each other so there is secrecy to want to see each other. The parents wanted to protect their child. They did not want them to get their hearts broken. The parents just wanted to keep them safe and the only way that they knew how to do that was by separating them. They were not able to see each other because their parents forbade it. The wall is the meeting point for Thisbe and Pyramus. They secretly talk to each other and decide where to meet and to run off together.

Finally, there is the psychological view. They both long for each other and need to be with each other all the time, but are not allowed to. They desire each other and want each other’s presence. There is rebellion because they are not allowed to see each other and yet they plan on sneaking out and getting together at the mulberry tree and then running away with each other, so that they can be with each other forever. Pyramus thought that Thisbe killed herself because he saw her cloak on the ground all torn up and as a result he killed himself to be with her. His blood splattered onto the snow-white berries on the mulberry tree, which turned them red. Eventually, she came to meet him at the tree. When she saw that he killed himself, she then killed herself to be with him. Her blood then splattered on the rest of the snow-white berries turning them red as well.

All in all, they were in love and they had both wanted to see each other for a very long time. When a wall separated them and they could only hear each other. This was not enough they had a desire to always be with each other and a want and longing to never part.

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