Friday, October 24, 2008

Myth Definitions

1. A myth is the stories, beliefs, faiths, or explanations of Gods and Goddesses that are related to human emotions and way of life. An example of a myth is the myth of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades.

2. A hero is a founder of something new. An example of a hero is Hercules.

3. A hero journey is the road of trials, battles, and obstacles. They have transformed and have a boon and it’s a circular pattern. An example of a hero journey would be when Hercules does his 12 trials and he is transformed and has his boon.

4. Universal is a representation of every man with a special characteristic(s) that set him apart. An example of universal is duality, that we have the good and the bad.

5. An archetype is an original structure. An example is the hero and the hero journey.

6. Cyclical is what happens in a cycle, a continuous pattern. An example is when a hero is on their journey and they go through their trials and they transform and get their boon and it continues to happen again and again, like the sun God Ra.

7. Duality is the opposites, the state of two-ness. An example would be good and bad, order and chaos.

8. Creation is the beginning of everything. An example would be the watery abyss, void, or the egg.

9. Cosmology is the study of the world and the universe. An example is the Genesis from when God created the world.

10. Life from death is when death creates life. When you sacrifice one for the lives of many. An example is when Jesus died for everyone’s sins.

11. Matriarchal is a foundation of female power, when mother rules the house. An example would be when Tiamat was the ruler over her family.

12. Patriarchal is a foundation of male power, when father rules the house. An example would be the Greek mythology when Zeus is the head of all the Gods and everyone.

13. A sacrifice is tribute to a God, giving something up for the benefits of others. An example is when Jesus dies for our sins on the cross.


Kayla H said...

lucky! u all ready have links set up! i'm so jelous of u now! haha. looks awesome =]

Heather F said...

Thanks for the comment.